The flower delivery often gets the order to deliver some bouquets of flowers like a lily bouquet for a wedding ceremony. We knew that a wedding without a flower will be not complete. It is an essential wedding detail that you should have for your wedding moment.
Talking about wedding, there are some traditions that may confuse you. Especially about your flower bouquet; as a bride, you have to know the stage or step in a wedding ceremony. Usually, when you hold your groom’s hand or exchange the rings, your bouquet will be in the way.
It is because there is not any table near you. It is so important to ensure that a flower delivery service can deliver it on time. You will get beautiful and fresh flowers for a wedding. Below are some traditions related to flower bouquets during a wedding ceremony.
When Will You Hand the Flower Bouquet
In a wedding ceremony, there is a moment where you as a bride should hand the flower bouquet to the bridesmaid. Actually, this bridal bouquet hand over moment is actually can be done up to the bride. However, there is a tradition for it.
It dictates that you should hand the flower bouquet to the bridesmaid at a certain moment. It is usually in a moment when your father gives you away. It is also a moment when you stand next to the groom. The beautiful bouquet from flower delivery Singapore will amaze everyone.
After giving the bouquet, your wedding ceremony is ready to start. It is a moment where the priest will lead your wedding ceremony. In addition, you and the groom will give a promise to be the husband and wife. It becomes the sacred and most important moment.
The Kinds of Bouquets that You Can Use
Actually, not all flower bouquets are maybe perfect for a wedding ceremony. However, you can get some references for the pretty bridal flower from the flower delivery service. Various bouquets are available in different colours, shapes, and more.
If you love the bright colour, choosing the red roses flower bouquets is a perfect option. This bouquet looks so romantic, elegant, and sensual at the same time. It will make you happy in your memorable moment. It is made from some red roses.
In that bouquet, for about 7 beautiful red roses will be placed in the middle part. After that, it will be surrounded by white baby breath flowers and some green leaves too. It becomes one of the most popular bouquets from the flower delivery service.
The Classic White Flower Bouquets
Most of the bride will use the white gown for her wedding day. If it has also happened to you, choosing the white flower bouquet is amazing. It will create classic nuance. The white flowers also reflect softness and purity.
This flower bouquet is usually made from white roses. The flower delivery service can place for about 10 or maybe more white roses there. It will be combined with the white baby breath flowers which are placed around the white roses.
The green leaves will be also placed there. Actually, this kind of bouquet is also popular. A lot of people really like it because it comes with a handle. It will make you as a bride it is easier to hold it during a wedding ceremony.
The Colorful Bouquet of Flowers
Some of you maybe want to have a colourful bouquet. The flower delivery can deliver it for you. Actually, this bouquet is made from various flowers. It can consist of two or maybe more flowers in a bouquet. It will be looked really wonderful.
The example is a bouquet which is made from the pink lilies, pink roses, and fillers. It creates a lovely combination of soft pink, purple, and green colours in the same bouquet. It looks in contrast to your white gown and it is perfect, right?
However, actually the flowers can be replaced with other flowers based on the season. You don’t need to be worried because the florist will ensure that the bouquet will as beautiful as the sample. They can confirm when they need to change the flowers.
Since the bridal flower is essential, you need to choose a reliable service to deliver the bouquet. That service will ensure that your flower is packaged securely, so it will be not broken. The best flower delivery will also deliver the flower on times.