You usually think of your shoulders, back, and neck when you think of receiving a massage because these are the regions where individuals hold the most stress and discomfort. Ask them, and they’ll tell you that a decent shoulder or back rub is something they’d gladly accept. It feels fantastic to get a massage in these areas, and it can help reduce pain and tension. But did you know that you might have the same sensation in other parts of your body? When it comes to massage in mybodyshop, several of these body areas are generally overlooked, but they provide the same tension alleviation.
Continue reading to learn about the other six key body components.
- Your Ears
Many reaction sites in your ears may be massaged to relieve tension in both your body and mind. Shen Men, or “The Gate of Heaven,” are the most well-known anxiety-relieving locations. The Chinese think that pushing around the tops of the ears might help us relax, cure headaches, and reduce tension.
- Thumbs
We do so much with our hands during the day, and our thumbs are responsible for many of them! The nerve receptors in our fingers number in the millions, and our thumb alone has eight muscles! The thumbs, in particular, can be massaged to release tension throughout the body. To ease discomfort from a stiff thumb, massage it.
- Wrist
Despite the fact that we use our wrists every day, they are often overlooked. The “inner gate,” often known as the pericardium 6, is a crucial acupressure site below the wrist. A pounding heart can be soothed by massaging this region. You may do it yourself by pressing on your wrist with your thumb for a few seconds and then massaging it in a circular motion.
- Diaphragm of yours
Not only is the diaphragm your main breathing muscle, but it also helps to keep your core and spine stable! If it’s in bad form, your entire body will be as well. When you can, try to relax it.
- Gut Feelings
Massage can help you digest food and keep your gut mobile. Walking, jogging, and being physically active are all excellent strategies to keep your digestive system in good shape. However, because most of us these days work from home, we don’t get out much. In this case, a gentle belly rub will suffice.
- However, your buttocks
Our glutes, believe it or not, are among the biggest muscles in our bodies! Although they are sometimes disregarded during massages, rubbing your buttocks can assist with acute discomfort, tight muscles, and overuse soreness!
We hope you found this information useful!