February 23, 2025

Despite this undeniable variety, a number of points in common between the articles of the corpus immediately appear, some of which are fairly predictable. All the reviews contain both information about the film and the expression of a judgment on it, which is to be compared with the two primary functions of the review, which are on the one hand to present a new film, and on the other hand to assess its value to convince the reader to go see it or not. With the on demand reviews the new door has opened now.

The Reasons for You

This is why in any review appears at least the name of some actors or the director, the genre of the film, some elements of the story, as well as a comment supported by the journalist. To give just two examples of this latter aspect, let us quote the Times critic, who judges the film “unexpectedly loveable “, while that of the Mirror states:” The script is good and the supporting cast is terrific “. Critics also share points in common with other newspaper articles, particularly syntactically; to the extent that conciseness is required. There are therefore many complex noun phrases, very often with relative propositions.

Film Dimensions for You Now

To explain this crucial dimension of the genre of criticism in general, it is necessary to examine the context of this type of discourse, and more particularly the participants it involves. The critic saw a film that the reader did not see: indeed, the criticism is generally published on the day of the release of the films in Great Britain, that is to say on Friday. One of the main functions of this type of article is therefore to guide the reader in his choice of film. The situation is therefore different from the case of sections devoted for example to television broadcasts which have already been broadcast, and which the reader has therefore had the opportunity to see.

  • Many characteristics of the genre follow from the persuasive function of this discourse. To rally the reader to his opinion, the journalist uses conventional methods.
  • The use of the personal pronoun you also participates in the persuasive dimension in certain reviews. It is indeed present in almost all the articles, and makes it possible to create a sort of complicity with the reader. But the referent of this pronoun is sometimes somewhat ambiguous, purposely it seems. Indeed the reader may wonder if it is a generic you or if he is referring to the critic.

This double dimension certainly has a persuasive function insofar as it contributes to the development of the image of the critic. But it is also an aspect of a characteristic that is found in all the articles of the corpus without exception: a tendency to play with words, with language
