February 6, 2025

Motorcycle crashes that result in injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists and their passengers continue to occur every year. Although some people likely blame the motorcycle operator, statistics and facts about motorcycle crashes show that others are often the at-fault parties in motorcycle crashes. If you or your loved one experienced injury, death, or property damage in a motorcycle accident, contact Schechter, McElwee, Shaffer & Harris, L.L.P., the motorcycle accident attorney Houston residents trust.

Motorcycle Safety Risks and Facts

Motorcycle riders know the laws and safety tips for safe riding. Although the majority of motorcycle operators abide by the rules, sometimes motorcycle crashes happen on the road.

While the majority of people likely assume that speeding motorcyclists are at-fault, the facts indicate that this is not true. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) indicates that in the majority of crashes involving a motorcycle and another vehicle, it is usually the non-motorcycle operator that is the at-fault party.

One of the causes of crashes involving motorcycles and cars or trucks is distracted driving. Drivers or passengers talking, eating, texting while driving, applying make-up, or adjusting their audio system are some reasons cited by the NHTSA for at-fault parties crashing with motorcycles. Some drivers cause crashes when they try to overtake a motorcycle or switch lanes without regard for the safety of the motorcyclist.

Although there are several recommendations for drivers of other types of vehicles to follow regarding driving on the same roads as motorcyclists, the other drivers sometimes fail to follow those guidelines and state laws. Your motorcycle accident attorney Houston office understands how these drivers potentially cause accidents with motorcyclists.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Motorcyclists experienced 88,000 injuries in 2015, down slightly from the 92,000 injuries that occurred the previous year. The Insurance Information Institute (III) explains that when considering per mile traveled in 2016, motorcycle riders were 28 times more likely to die in an accident than occupants of passenger cars.

The National Safety Council (NSC) reveals that in 2017, nearly 5,200 people lost their lives in motorcycle accidents. When taking into account the total number of individuals killed in motorcycle accidents, 91 percent of the individuals were males.

Get the Help You Need with the Motorcycle Accident Attorney Houston Office

The shocking statistics and facts related to motorcycle crashes is one reason that some motorcyclists need professional legal assistance. Obtain assistance with getting the compensation deserved to help you obtain the best possible outcome.

Although motorcycle drivers are occasionally at fault when crashes occur, statistics indicate that drivers of cars, vans, and trucks are far more likely to be at fault. Motorcyclists that trust lawyers with the expertise of litigating motorcycle accident cases, and representing clients likely have an ideal outcome of their potential case.