March 29, 2025


Born  Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi on 19th November 1917, Indira Gandhi survived as an Indian envoy and a main symbol of the Indian National Congress, one of the former political groups in the nation. She was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first woman Prime Minister of India, and a leading character in the Indian sovereignty fight; she was the next highest administering Indian prime administrator after her father.

Gandhi assisted as India’s prime supervisor for nearly 13-14 years throughout her career, along with holding the responsibility of Minister of Information and Broadcasting in the late 1964’s council.

The existence of any individual would be small to let out the contribution of the first woman Prime Minister of India – Indira Gandhi. A few of her contributions to the nation are written below-

She led the Green Revolution

The Green Revolution in India was one of the vital contributions of the first woman Prime Minister of India – the great Indira Gandhi’s revolutionary agenda in the late sixties. Indira Gandhi brought the Green Revolution a crucial administration focus and along with the modern combination of grains, instigated nation donations, and the requirement of electrical energy, liquid, fertilizer, and acclaim to planters. Farming revenue was not taxable. The outcome was that India came to be self-supported in nutrition – a genuine goal for Indira after American President Johnson’s erratic and condition-laden nutrition support.

Atom Test and Gave the Country an Atom Bomb

In 1967, Indira Gandhi came to be the first woman  Prime Minister of India, and the function of the nuclear agenda began again with restored energy. Homi Sethna, a chemical maker, played an important part in the growth of weapon-grade plutonium while Ramanna formulated and generated the whole nuclear tool. The main nuclear bomb operation did not engage more than seventy-five researchers because of its sensitiveness. 

The nuclear missile scheme was currently supervised toward the creation of plutonium instead of uranium.

Contribution to Science and Technology

The first woman Prime Minister of India was extremely serious about the modernization of the economy of India through technical developments. Like Jawaharlal Nehru, she followed a creative strategy of expanding scientific study within the nation by enhancing several scientific labs and organizations. There is no uncertainty that the productivity of India’s reserves would have existed much poorer without the accomplishments in the domain of science and technology. Indira was conscious that in a rapidly revamping nation, India could not have the money to loosen its undertakings for obtaining specialized self-defense


It is now widely accepted that India has a prominent role in improving nations in admiration of the scientific workforce and knowledge.

India’s Space Mission

Indira was the first woman Prime Minister of India to devote the Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station to the United Nations in 968 for investigation. ISRO itself was constructed on India’s Independence Day in 1969 and was given rise to under the Department of Space. In 1979, it started its main takeoff site in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh, where it is located.

Garibi Hatao Program

In the late sixties, it was increasingly being recognized that the monetary strategies and capacity configurations had just aroused insufficient development. But there had rarely been an adequate ratio of its advantage. Indira was conscious of these bottom facts and was by no norms segregated from the broader leftist idealistic paradigm vis-a-vis growth. Because she was the Prime Minister of India she was restless about the abrupt rates impacting frugality and was again conscious that the needy were the horrible crash of the circumstance. 

The revolutionary Naxalite campaign was gaining ground in various portions of the nation. She was conscious of the importance of the huge property grab campaigns encouraged by leftist philosophy. This was the backstory of the Garibi Hatao Desh Bachao movement of Indira meaning remove poverty and save the nation. This is the slogan of Indira Gandhi’s movement from the 1971 election bid.