January 22, 2025

Your website is the first impression people will get of your business. You want to make sure it looks professional and conveys a professional tone. Many small businesses owners hire a designer or webmaster to create their site for them. But, what if you could do it yourself by completing a few relatively simple steps?

You’ll need:

– A website hosting service such as Yahoo!, Google, etc. (for free!)

– A domain name such as www.YourBusinessName.com

– Webspace to put your site files on

Note: Even though the purpose of this article is how to create professional Business Websites using a free and easy online process, you can manage to get all the above tools and features for only $20-45 dollars per year + minimal effort. It’s not much compared to the benefits you will be getting.

Few tips to Consider While Creating A Professional Website.

1. Choose your target audience:

It may sound like such a no-brainer, but most people forget to write down their audience, and it usually comes out as an “eclectic” mixture of everyone, and that’s why they don’t get much traffic or any response from the visitors. Write down your target _market, age group, location, etc. It is the way to create a simple Website builder – always keep your site focused on the things that matter the most. Just imagine if Coca-Cola had decided to focus its marketing efforts towards people who do not drink soda.

2. Choose Your Niche:

Your niche is the product or service that you sell to your target market. For example, if you sell bicycle accessories, people searching for styles and models of bicycles are your target audience. Thus, when you create professional Business Websites, be sure to include topics about the cycling industry, new products related to this field, etc.

3. Create a “Home Page” That Includes The Following Information:

– Your Logo (image) with a link to your main page (with more information about yourself and your business).

– Navigation menu (a dropdown list is containing links for other pages on your site).

– Main menu (a dropdown list for categories), e.g., “Products,”

– “About Us,” etc. – A brief introduction of your company and a link to the contact page, if you have one.

– Links to other sites that might be useful to your target audience (such as a link to Wikipedia).

– Optional: Your photo or video!

4. Create the Following Pages:

– Products/Services (lists all products or services you offer) with a brief intro and links back to the main menu above when applicable.

– Contact Us (with an email address, telephone number, fax number, and website URL in the footer).

– About Us (this page should contain information about yourself, just like the About Us).

– Testimonials (a collection of quotes from your customers/clients who are happy with your service or product. Which will help build trust in you and encourage people to buy) place under “Products.”

– FAQs (frequently asked questions) can be helpful for your future customers, so try to answer them here.

– Resources (lists links to other sites that might be useful for your business; i.e., links to your competitors’ sites are not allowed, or you can be blacklisted and removed from search engines).

– Policies (a page that lists the rules of your website, for example, “no pornography,” “no cursing,” etc.).

– Disclaimer (tells people what they should assume when visiting your site. If you have any legal terms or requirements in using your site, this is where it belongs.)

– Your Site Map, if needed. Note: You can create a sitemap on Google by placing code given by Google in its Search Console in the main menu area of your site, so everyone who visits will be able to see and navigate easily around your website. This way, you will know precisely how many pages are on your site at any given time!

5. Create a Login Page To Access Your Members-Only Area:

If you’re using a website to sell products, people need to log in to see prices and place orders, for example. For this purpose, please create a page that only members can access by typing in their login information (email address or username/password). It will help increase your traffic number and encourage repeat visits by customers who are now “members.” It also helps build trust because everyone knows they deal with real people when purchasing something from your site.

6. Choose the Simple Website Builder:

There are many simple website builders out there, but not all of them fit the needs of everyone’s business, so be selective and choose wisely. For example, if you’re creating a professional Business Website for a law firm website, you may want to consider using LivePerson. It’s the world’s largest provider of online messaging solutions that have helped more than 1 billion people connect in real-time at their convenience!