January 22, 2025

When people first start seeking out a slip and fall accident lawyer, they often feel like their situation is unique. They may feel like others would believe their case to be frivolous, or that they would not be taken seriously by medical professionals. Considering how major media tends to portray fall injury lawyers, they could be forgiven for feeling that way.

However, the common portrayal of a “ambulance-chasing” trip and fall accident lawyer couldn’t be further from the truth. This is a genre of personal injury attorney that remains in high demand, and rightfully so.

Don’t believe it, or feel a little isolated as a result of your accident? Take a look at these incredible facts about slip and fall accidents. You might be surprised at what you discover!

  • Around 5 percent of all workplace fatalities are a result of a fall. This equates to one out of every 20 workplace deaths. That’s not a laughing matter!

  • Over one million people end up in the emergency room as a result of a slip and fall accident. This is an annual issue, and yes, all of those people are treated for serious injuries as a result of their “simple” slip and fall. Eight million emergency room visits are made every single year in the United States. That means slip and falls account for 12 percent of all those visits.

  • The average slip and fall accident causes a loss of $30,000 to $40,000. As medical treatment prices increase, the amount of money that is lost due to a fall will increase as well. Snow slips are noted for being particularly pricey, with their typical costs running as high as $48,000 per fall.

  • 60 percent of all nursing home residents fall within a year. This doesn’t come as a surprise, since a third of all elderly people will get injured due to a slip and fall accident in their old age.

  • Slip and falls are still the most common cause of injury among all age groups. It’s true. Whether you’re 10 or 100, you’re not immune to the dangers of falling and getting injured.
  • 95 percent of all hip fractures are caused by a fall. If you’ve ever met someone who broke their hip, chances are that they’ve suffered a nasty fall. Slip and falls account for the vast majority of all hip injuries, especially among the elderly.

  • Over 13 percent of all accidental deaths are a result of a fall. Whether it’s falling from a tree or falling from a ledge, a shocking number of people die every year as a result of slip and fall accidents. This is why they are one of the leading types of wrongful deaths in litigation.

  • Falls account for over 30 percent of all worker fatalities in the construction field. If you were injured on the job while working in construction, you’re definitely not alone. Falls remain the number one killer of construction workers throughout the United States.

  • The average injured individual will miss 11 days of work due to their fall. Slipping and having to go to the hospital is already bad enough. When you tack on the issue of lost wages for two weeks, it’s easy to see why many people see this kind of accident as a financially devastating loss.

  • Despite all the damage that a slip and fall accident causes, only 2 percent of all cases ever make it to court. The number is bleak, isn’t it? Sadly, many individuals are dissuaded from suing out of fear of retaliation or being laughed out of court.

Fight For Your Rights

If you were recently injured in a slip and fall accident, you have every right to seek compensation. At the offices of Scott Senft, our talented team of professionals will work tirelessly to help you pursue the compensation you need.

Your fall took a lot away from you–your mobility, your comfort, and possibly your job. We are passionate about helping clients do the right thing for themselves, and helping them put their lives back together. Give our office a call, and let’s work on your case together.