February 23, 2025
Man using his mobile phone  to search on online dire

man on the coast using his smartphone browsing online directory. All screen graphics are made up.


These days, every business has to go through cut-throat competition to survive in the market. However, good quality of product or service that you may be offering, unless you can put across to your prospects and customers, you cannot grow your business.

Bleen.com.au is an online listing website available for various companies in Australia to enlist their business details, which can help your prospects and customers to know that you also exist in the market. This is very important for the growth of your business, as unless people know about your existence in the market how can they contact you.

Your campaign for SEO cannot survive unless you have listed your business in such local business listings. It will not be far from truth to say that your business does not exist unless you have listed it in such business listings. Local listings can work as your great SEO levellers too.

Whenever people visit website of this business listing, they try to search for any business by using a relevant keyword that is related to your business, then they can find you in their search result. Only if you are listed in this local listing, then only the name of your business will appear on their search results. 

What Google wants that you must do to get prominent in Business Listings?

Google is neither a friend nor an enemy to any business company. However, they expect a few things from you to do so that your business name will always appear on the top of the search results whenever anyone tries to search for a similar business like yours.

You must know how you can optimize your listings and that is what most successful businessmen do to increase their business prospects.

  • Follow the guidelines

Google provides clear guidelines that you must read very carefully. They are comprehensive and let you know everything that you must know to create a good listing, and all that is necessary that you must follow them.

  • Add as much relevant information as possible

Try to add as much relevant information about your business as possible to get a better experience. You must fill all the necessary fields as accurately as possible. Also, prefer not to keep even the optional fields blank.

  • Categorize your business

Often people make mistakes here to choose the correct category of their business. Do not try to find an easier way by listing your company in a general category. By putting in a specific category that resembles your business will offer you the best chances.

  • Describe your business

Describing your business description will offer you an opportunity to directly talk to your potential customers, and convince them about your business and also its products/services. 

  • Presence on a few high-quality listing sites

You can get a better chance to be easily found in the Google search engine enlisting your business on a number of high-quality listing websites.

In addition to all the above, you also need to publish blogs and articles on the website of  BusyFox. This can also provide an additional boost to your SEO ranking.