February 22, 2025

You see a glass of drinking water and presume that it’s clean. It looks clear and safe for drinking. The truth is that it might contain hundreds upon thousands of microorganisms. Bacteria and other pathogens found in water may cause illnesses. Some of them could lead to severe infections and may even be fatal. These are the most common bacteria found in water, the illnesses they could bring.  To read an additional Berkey water filter review, check out the official website.

  1. coli 
  2. coli or Escherichia coli is one of the most common causes of waterborne diseases. It’s known to induce nausea and vomiting. It may also lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain. Being infected isn’t necessarily fatal. The bacteria could be gone within one to eight days. The problem is when you end up suffering from diarrhea and get dehydrated. Without immediate treatment and medication, you could suffer from severe symptoms and die.

Campylobacter jejuni 

This type of bacteria is less common than E. coli and is rarely a problem. However, if present in your water source, it can be just as infectious as other types of bacteria. When infected, you might suffer from diarrhea, cramping, fever, and extreme pain. The good thing is that treatment is available. It will be gone within two to ten days.

Hepatitis A 

Being infected with hepatitis A is serious. This type of virus is usually common in dirty surroundings, including contaminated water. It’s also the reason why it’s prevalent in underserved communities and developing nations. If infected, the symptoms include jaundice, severe stomach pain, fatigue, and high fever. The incubation period for hepatitis A is up to 28 days of exposure. It means that you wouldn’t have any symptoms for several days. This infection requires intense medication and might have a lifelong impact on your health.


Salmonella is a common pathogen that’s usually present in both food and water sources. It thrives in dirty places and has already infected a lot of people around the world. If left untreated, salmonella could be fatal. This bacteria is one of the most common reasons why you have diarrhea and stomach pain. In some instances, it may also lead to chills, headache, and high fever. The symptoms will start the show within 1 to 3 days of exposure.

Giardia lamblia

This parasite isn’t too common, but when infected, it can cause severe diarrhea. It could also lead to cramping and gas. The incubation period is up to two weeks. If you have a greasy stool, it’s a sign that you were infected with this parasite. You need immediate treatment since it could lead to dehydration.

Legionella Pneumophila 

This bacteria is one of the most serious causes of infections you might encounter. If you’ve heard about Legionnaire’s disease before, this bacteria is the reason. The problem is that when you’re infected, your temperature will spike, and lead to shortness of breath. You might also start coughing and experiencing muscle aches. Most people who were exposed to the bacteria have to be hospitalized right away. If left untreated, it could be fatal. Legionnaires disease has already caused thousands of deaths around the world


This protozoan acts like a parasite. When infected, you might end up having extremely painful diarrhea. It’s usually, and in contaminated drinking water. The problem is that even in seemingly clean drinking water, this parasite could still exist. It’s important to have a test specifically for this microorganism to see if it’s present in the water source. When infected, you will see the symptoms within 1 to 8 days.

Preventing waterborne diseases

There are many ways to prevent infection from these waterborne microorganisms. These are some of the tips you need to remember.

* Listen to the announcements from the local government. Your local government is responsible for giving water supply in your community. You need to listen to the announcements since to determine if there are possible pathogens in your water source. Water testing is usually done and results are released to the public. Even if you partnered with a private water supplier, you should also be aware of the announcements to prevent drinking contaminated water.

* Regularly test your water source. From obtaining the water from groundwater sources to its transport to private residences, there’s a lengthy process involved. Along the way, contamination might happen. Therefore, even if the water source is clean, the microorganisms can still penetrate through the pipes. Upon reaching your home, there’s no assurance that your water source is still clean. It helps if you can request regular water testing from specialists to determine if your water is safe for consumption.

* Water filter is necessary. You should install a water filter now since it can block the microorganisms from going out of the faucets and showers. Even if there are no contaminants in your water source, a filter would still be necessary. It helps in blocking chlorine and other chemicals used in treating the water source. A small amount of chlorine might be deemed safe, but regular exposure could harm your health.

* Seek immediate treatment when infected. It’s easy to confuse bacterial infection with the regular symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea. You might think that there’s no need to see a doctor if you don’t have severe symptoms. The problem is that unless you get tested and you consult with a health expert, you won’t know why you’re feeling that way. If you don’t get immediate treatment, the symptoms could worsen and even lead to death. It’s best to consult a doctor to know what’s wrong with you and give you appropriate medications.

A bacterial infection is still rampant around the world especially in places without proper water system infrastructure. However, even in developing nations, waterborne infections are still possible. You have to be cautious before you decide to drink tap water. If you are uncertain about the cleanliness of your water source, it’s best to avoid it.