March 29, 2025

The ACA (Association of Chartered Accountants) allows you to learn by combining real job experience with 15 difficult technical examinations. It intends to challenge and grow you as an accountant. Here are some top tips in conquering the ICAEW ACA exams.

#1 Organise a Schedule and Start Early

Make a revision schedule several weeks before the exam date. At the start of each week, revise the timetable with more precise targets you need to attain. Learn to balance your priorities and plan your day accordingly.

#2 Inform Your Superiors and Take Advantage of Resources

Your coworkers must be aware of your approaching tests well in advance. Furthermore, many of your coworkers are taking the same accounting certification as you. Help each other out of the office by answering questions and providing advice on your ICAEW modules.

#3 Do Practice Questions

Your exam technique is everything in the ICAEW ACA tests. Practice the questions as many times as you can. It will have the most influence on your exam answers and timings. It is critical to have your timing down pat.

#4 Take Advantage of Your Days Off

Prepare to say no to some socialising in the run-up to examinations. FOMO (fear of missing out) may be existent. However, you have to overcome it by learning to say no without feeling bad. You cannot be a Chartered Accountant without putting in the time and effort.

#5 Be Persistent

It’s alright if you fail a test; you have another chance to retake it, so do not squander it. Consider what went wrong and how you might improve your technique. Expect the ICAEW ACA journey to be challenging but also to be worthwhile.

The modules for the ACA certification are complex and cover every facet of finance. You must have 450 days of work experience at an Additional Termination Event (ATE), pass 15 exam modules, participate in professional development, and have advanced ethical knowledge and professional scepticism.

Visit the ICAEW Singapore website for more information on their Chartered Accountant course and various exams.